I still remember the night while i was walking out of NUS with Jiwei after our peer teaching group meeting, he told me that completing this peer teaching presentation was just the tip of the ice berg of the course. Looking back, i think that time really flies when i am already writing on my final blog post. Throughout this course, i can say that i have honed not only communication skills but also other important life skills which are relevant to my future.
Frankly speaking, i had chosen this module because i could not get any other breadth modules as the bid points were too high. Also, the name of this module, " Professional Communication" caught my attention as i feel that it would be useful when i step into the working industry. I did not regret my choice when i went through the first lesson. I was surprised by a different kind of teaching style where ideas could flow freely without walls in the classroom. I enjoyed the interaction with my fellow classmates when we were tasked to do exercises. This is because we could share our ideas and learn from different people. This is especially so when we would often change discussion groups, hence exposing ourselves to unique working styles. I believe that this is an unconventional teaching method which i feel is both fulfilling and enriching for me.
Most importantly, besides enjoying the course, i have defintely picked up several new skills. With regards to the 7Cs, i have learnt to be more concise. From my long blog posts to long winded presentations, my peers would point out that i tend to ramble my sentences which could be summarised to give the reader or listener a better idea. Hence, i have learnt to cut short my words while making sure that the main idea is being retained. This would defintely be an essential skill when i need to write concise reports and give presentations to my bosses.
Other than the 7Cs, i am also able to practise on my communication skills through the various interactions with classmates as well as the oral presentations. I find that the feedback on my oral persentations given by my fellow peers especially useful such as cutting down on my use of words ' actually'. I cannot imagine if i continue to be unaware with my 'actually'while speaking to a large crowd when i am in my workplace.
The team project has allowed me to learn how to write a proposal. Having been in army for 2 years, i guess my writing skills have grown rusty. In particular, i have learnt about the basic structure of the proposal as well as writing the abstract. And again, being concise while relevant is important here as well. Most importantly, i have learnt to write professionally such as the application letter. For instance, minor details such as printing the resume on a presentable paper is crucial as this is would increase my chances while i am applying the job.
Having completed this module is only the tip of the ice berg for me, i still have a long way to go in my varsity life. Though official learning for this module has stopped here, i am glad that i could still apply these life skills in my future modules as well as in my life. Lastly, i would like to thank brad and my fellow classmates for making this module enjoyable!
Frankly speaking, i had chosen this module because i could not get any other breadth modules as the bid points were too high. Also, the name of this module, " Professional Communication" caught my attention as i feel that it would be useful when i step into the working industry. I did not regret my choice when i went through the first lesson. I was surprised by a different kind of teaching style where ideas could flow freely without walls in the classroom. I enjoyed the interaction with my fellow classmates when we were tasked to do exercises. This is because we could share our ideas and learn from different people. This is especially so when we would often change discussion groups, hence exposing ourselves to unique working styles. I believe that this is an unconventional teaching method which i feel is both fulfilling and enriching for me.
Most importantly, besides enjoying the course, i have defintely picked up several new skills. With regards to the 7Cs, i have learnt to be more concise. From my long blog posts to long winded presentations, my peers would point out that i tend to ramble my sentences which could be summarised to give the reader or listener a better idea. Hence, i have learnt to cut short my words while making sure that the main idea is being retained. This would defintely be an essential skill when i need to write concise reports and give presentations to my bosses.
Other than the 7Cs, i am also able to practise on my communication skills through the various interactions with classmates as well as the oral presentations. I find that the feedback on my oral persentations given by my fellow peers especially useful such as cutting down on my use of words ' actually'. I cannot imagine if i continue to be unaware with my 'actually'while speaking to a large crowd when i am in my workplace.
The team project has allowed me to learn how to write a proposal. Having been in army for 2 years, i guess my writing skills have grown rusty. In particular, i have learnt about the basic structure of the proposal as well as writing the abstract. And again, being concise while relevant is important here as well. Most importantly, i have learnt to write professionally such as the application letter. For instance, minor details such as printing the resume on a presentable paper is crucial as this is would increase my chances while i am applying the job.
Having completed this module is only the tip of the ice berg for me, i still have a long way to go in my varsity life. Though official learning for this module has stopped here, i am glad that i could still apply these life skills in my future modules as well as in my life. Lastly, i would like to thank brad and my fellow classmates for making this module enjoyable!
Hey ZiKai,
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting your reflections on this module. I agree that the module name is eye-catching and the content of the module is very useful especially the resume, application letter writing and the mock interview. I'm glad that you've picked up some skills like the 7Cs and learnt how to apply them.
Wish you all the best for the rest of your varsity life.
Hi Zi Kai,
ReplyDeleteI think writing well is definitely an important skill. It doesn't matter how fantastic the ideas that you have are, what matters is how you can put it across to other people to let them know how fantastic it really is. What use is a fantastic idea if people do not get to hear about it?
Also, I agree that ES has a rather unconventional teaching method. Maybe you can try taking other similar modules, since you're only in year 1. Haha.
All the best for the rest of your university life!
Hi Zikai,
ReplyDeleteIt's been great working with you for both the peer teaching and the final proposal. You, xiuling and tiantian have been most receptive to my crazy ideas and tolerant of my doggedness. Thank you for that!
Also, I believe working with 2 opinionated people in a team of 3 must have been tramatizing, agonizing and enriching at the same time.=p
Ji Wei.
Hi Zikai,
ReplyDeleteYour writing skills have definitely improved by leaps and bounds. I still remember reading one of your older posts at the start of this course. It was really long! However, now your post is really concise, clear and most importantly, interesting!
Anyway, it was really a fun experience working with you and Jiwei. You guys are really good presenters and I have learnt much from both of you. In addition, you have changed my perception of a typical engineering student. I have not met any engineering student who can present as good as you. Keep it up! However, do note that engineers are guilty of data dumping so please don't fall into this trap!
Enjoy the rest of your university life! =)
Hi Zikai,
ReplyDeleteI love your comic strip! It reminds me of the advertisement for some radio FM showed quite some time ago. It's the one with the driving instructor scolding the female student who instead, felt that he was praising her by filtering some words as well.
Anyway, I'm glad that you had picked up new skills in this course. It's nice to have you as my coursemate! =).
To Catherine and Geok Ting, ya i was thinking of taking such unique modules as my breadth in the future, i guess it will be very interesting as i have really enjoyed the enriching learning experience in ES2007S. I guess i shall choose the skills that i am lack of.
ReplyDeleteTo Jiwei and Xiuling, i can say i am really lucky to have you as seniors to learn from. Other than sharing tips on how to survive in my educational journey ahead, i have picked up skills that you all have accumulated through experience. Thanks for accomodating my different working style too! Congrats to your graduation soon and wish you all the best in the working world. =)
Lastly, to Hazel, ya i have randomly choosen the comic strip for my last post to show a form of communication humour, also a kind of communication breakdown i guess. I also remember the advertisement you mentioned, i think all these are trying to show people would always want to hear the good things which is rather deceptive.
See your guys on 3rd Dec after my exams! =)
Thank you, Zikai, for this comprehensive reflection and the hard work this term. I'm glad that you feel that you benefitted from all the hard work, and it's good to see you tip your hat to your fine group partners, Xiu LIng and Ji Wei.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate al the effort you made this term and your very positive attitude. There's no doubt that your wide smile was as infectious as the positive vibes you showed no matter what challenge you were given.
Hey, I really like the cartoon, too, and I may steal that and place it on my own blog, if you don't mind.
Thanks again, and best of luck in the future!